Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Stomp on my dreams for Valentine's Day

Valentine's seemed to be going well this morning...I had new red outfits for every child, they were excited with their Valentine's for their friends and with the school parties this afternoon. THEN I started looking for the missing story files lost in the crash of my computer...and discovered an entire book missing. I was just regrouping from this sad loss when the doorbell (aka the DOG) announced the mailman at the door with a box. Ohhh goody~ A Valentine surprise... NO STUPID.... your ms being returned by the agent.

She did write a long personal note, which was very lovely of her and for which I shall thank her tomorrow...but the entire point was a plain and simple rejection (expected....big name agent) and NO FEEDBACK ...and THAT was what I needed. Feedback...WHY don't you like it? HOW can I make it better?

I admit freely to a rather overwhelming dismay upon receipt of her letter and my PERFECT, pristine ms with not a wrinkle, smudge or so much as a single NOTE of any kind on it. Did she even LOOK at it? Does she understand how disheartening it is to get it back with no evidence that after it was requested, revised and sent because she promised at the least I would get her "notes" on it....to get NOTHING hurts worse than getting "amatuer and pathetic"? At least THEN I would have something to FIX!

I don't even begin to know where to go from NOTHING. But I guess I continue to work on the query letter and pray that someday...before I hit the 100 rejection mark...someone WILL read it and tell me SOMEthing. Aerlinn deserves at least that much.